Sunday, April 6, 2008

Daily Reading

When Mel, Sarah and I first started doing this bible reading thing, I was saying to myself what did I get myself into. God has totally shown me his power through my obedience. I have read through the Psalms and now I'm starting on Numbers and Matthew. It's been a really exciting road for me. It's also been very challenging and rough. I've really been thinking about the topic of relationships, not only with my girlfriends but with the aspect of an intimate relationship as well. God is preparing me for a relationship and I feel as though I've been rushing Him into showing me who it is that I'm supposed to be with. I got all caught up on thinking what if it's him or him. If there is something that I've learned from this, it's knowing that God has this all planned out already for me. I may not know what those plans are but I do know that whatever they are, they are the best and that nothing I try and plan cannot top the ones that God already has for me. God has been revealing himself to me as my salvation, my refuge, my protector. That's what he is to me. The protector........................of my heart!

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