Thursday, April 16, 2009

On this beautiful day....

Hey everyone! I don't know what else to start this off with other than, OH MY GOODNESS IT IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY TODAY!!! God is soooooo good. He is amazing. He is the most complex creator to have ever walked this earth. Making something so beautiful, like the sunshine that I've seen and felt today is insane! Looking out of the window, I feel like I should be outside but that is not possible right now. That brings me to what I want to talk about.

I have always felt that the grades I get in school were due to the fact that I don't work hard enough. That has been going on now for the past few years. More like 10 years. I am tired of all of this. I have been in and out of offices at York today, just getting a bunch of stuff figured out.

First, I went to class at 11:30 so that I could get my attendance mark. I need those marks. Those are the easiest marks you can get. Attendance. Then I went to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Now, I've been super worried that if I don't pass this NATS course then I won't be able to return to York University next year. This is untrue. I went and spoke with an advisor, Ryan, today and he made everything clear for me. All I have to is file a petition to get the F that I received in my English class first year to be removed from my record. He said that all I had to do was fill out the petition form and get a Course Summary evaluation form filled out by the prof and hand it in. After that has all been processed, it'll be as though that course didn't even exist. That is cleared up now.

I'm here right now sitting in the Learning Disability Program office. I have always wondered whether I have a learning disability. So I am here getting screened. It would definitely explain a lot.

That's all I can really write at the moment. I have a lot on my mind and need to go into my appointment soon.

Thanks for reading!


Andrea said...

How'd it go at the learning disability office?

Singing.The.Gospel said...

They turned me down at the disability office. They said I was fine and just need to work harder...whatever. God has my life in his hands...I'm not going to worry about what to do right now because He knows exactly what He is going to do :) Thanks for asking and sorry for the late reply.
