Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Work Is Hard (at home)

For a very long time now, my dad has been down my neck about getting a job and I have become very tired of hearing his voice. I just finished reading in Ephesians that fathers should not exasperate their children. I am working at daycamp now and even though I am at a job everyday he still expects me to have done something at home or made dinner or cleaned up a little. I am moving out for September for sure and it feels good to know that my parents are allowing me to do this. There is an alternate reason for me moving out. I will be a dependent student so there is no way that I will be turned down for OSAP. My parents cannot afford to put me through university so I have to trust God that he will deliver on that promise. He has called me to be in school and that is where I will stay until I am done my degree and he tells me where else I am to go.

Even though I am tired, You will fill my cup anew each and every day.

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