Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Come, follow me and I will make you a fisher of people!"

Jesus is walking on the white sand beach. The sun is shining brilliantly upon God's natural abundance. It is a very bright day. He continues to walk until he sees Simon and his brother Andrew in the distance, out at sea. Through the beautiful blues and greens of the sea, Jesus notices them throwing their nets into the the water. They are, afterall, fishermen and this is how they made their living. Jesus, with a voice like none other, carried by the wave across the sea, called out to them, with a gentle smile, "Come follow me and I will show how to fish for people." I can just imagine what they must have thought. Others would have thought this man to be crazy, but Simon and Andrew dropped their net immediately and followed him. Then something else happened. Jesus continued on his journey, this time with Simon and Andrew. Jesus saw two more men with their nets. He too called James and John. They also dropped their livlihood and followed a man who called them from the waters. The four of them, Andrew, simon, James, and John knew they needed to follow Jesus, even if that meant leaving behind the jobs that served as provision.


Marguerite said...

Yep - they left everything! Sometimes I wonder if I truly have left everything behind for Him. I think I hold on to a lot that I need to let go of. What an awesome example of what it means to truly follow Jesus.

Unknown said...

I fell in love with this passage. It does show their devotion to Jesus. I also thought if they had left everything. It's so difficult to even acknowledge that we hold on to a lot of things. I sometimes say it's because I need it, when in reality sometimes I don't.