Tuesday, March 22, 2011

School: The Sometimes Silent Killer

So, this is March and the thing that I want to do the most is make friends with my sheets again, crawl in and allow the warmth to envelop me. But I can't. Not now. I have a bit left of this year and I really can't wait for this to be done. As if this year wasn't hard enough, I'm taking 3 English courses this summer at York, like any crazy person would (duh!), and working at daycamp at the same time. So I'm crazy, sue me. I really want to get school done with as soon as possible. I will have about two weeks of amazing time to myself before I jump in the dangerous world of "post-secondary education" again. Yay. Can't wait. So excited. (Although, if you think about it, once I'm done this summer I won't have to take such a huge course load in the fall, which is a plus!). Whatever, I'm just exhausted from a really long year with lots of assignments, papers, projects, presentations, tons of reading and showing up to lecture even if you are feeling like you were just driven over by the largest truck in the world. I still went to class. I have hardly miss any NATS classes and for that I am super proud of myself and I'm doing well in that class too! Awesome! That's about it for now, but I'm sure you'll be hearing about how I want to burn all of my books by the time I'm done my summer courses :S

Till then,


1 comment:

Andrea said...

Keep going Al! Believing with you in His promises to you. <3